
Dave Roberts

An accomplished Global IT and Digital Leader, Non-Executive Director, BCS Chartered Fellow, Podcast Host and Tech Mentor with over 25 years of IT experience leading large technology teams. Experience of managing all aspects of IT, including transformational change and driving innovation with disruptive technologies.

Educated with an MBA degree from The Open University, a Post Graduate Certificate in International Technology Management from the University of Warwick and a B.Sc. (Hons) degree in Business Information Systems from Liverpool John Moores University.

Previously ranked number 3 in the CIO 100, which recognises the most transformative and disruptive CIOs in the UK. Awarded Top Technology Executives to Watch and the Global Leadership Award by HMG Strategy, a global recognition for top performing Chief Information Officers. Included in the Hall of Fame by the Cybersecurity Observatory for contribution as a senior global Cybersecurity leader.
